Changelog 02/19/2022

What is currently ready?

  • Added new render bars with stats
  • Gold as a resource
  • NPCs and shops (buying/selling items)
  • Animation for battle with monster (thanks to u/fukifino_)
  • Game over screen
  • Sin accumulation system
  • Stacking Items
  • Creature summoning scrolls
  • Scrolls of transformation into another creature and back (attaching a gif - )
  • Display of health and stats of monsters and NPCs in the HUD block
  • Connected a new font and native language
  • Change of locations (merchant’s room and again dungeons)

What is planned for the near future:

  • Factions
  • Ranged monster attacks
  • Moving neutral monsters, moving NPCs
  • Monster Status (Weak, Strong)
  • Cursed Items
  • Scrolls that turn the selected target into a rat
  • The hero is always in the center of the screen (no idea how to implement it yet)
  • Spawn monsters in corridors
  • Creating traps
  • Add caves
  • “Dark” shop
  • Chests
  • Loot


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It looks like the beginning of a great journey)